Back Scanning In DocusafeBack ScanningBack scanning is a term often used to describe the process involved in scanning a significant paper archive and documents that have been filed away and are no longer referred to frequently. Back scanning is used to convert your old documents into electronic images. Customers looking for a “back scan” will normally either have hundreds of boxes in storage off site with a records management company or simply have storage boxes distributed throughout the company over numerous departments. Either way the amount of paper to be scanned with be of a high volume – a document count in the millions or high hundreds of thousands is quite common.
There are a number of motivators that encourage organisations to use a back scanning service:
- Retrieval of boxes is too slow or is becoming complicated
- Box storage is an archaic and out of date practice that doesn’t fit in with your companies style or best practices.
- Floor space is at a premium and the space could be used more efficiently.
- There are concerns about theft, fire and flood damage