Patient Record & Medical Scanning
Patient Record Scanning & Medical Record Scanning
We offer a highly confidential and highly secure scanning service aimed specifically at those working in the medical sector.Managing patient health records, prescriptions, and transcripts electronically has drastically improved the efficiency of tracking patient care for healthcare providers.
We understand the importance of quality, accuracy, and consistency when converting patient records to electronic health records.
Our medical records scanning professionals have the capacity to index and scan any volume of medical records in a timely manner and at a reasonable price.
Advantages Of Our Patient Records Scanning Service
We understand the importance of quality, accuracy, and consistency when converting patient records to electronic health records.
Our medical records scanning professionals have the capacity to index and scan any volume of medical records in a timely manner and at a reasonable price.
Advantages Of Our Patient Records Scanning Service
- Our service is highly confidential
- Compatibility with almost any practice manager platform, database, records management software
- Security is paramount – Our facility is exceptionally secure.
- Fast turnaround
- Low volume / High volume
- OCR – Optical Character Recognition
- All sizes, formats, charts and images scanned
- Significant space and storage savings
- Time savings – records become instantly accessible
- Records become easily accessed regardless of location – never be without your records